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== Biography ==
Philipp Veit received his PhD in inorganic chemistry from the {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=|url=|label=Johannes Gutenberg University}} Mainz in the {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=|url=|label=Group of Katja Heinze}} on the topic "Ferrocenyl Carbenes as Redox-Switchable Ligands on Gold Catalysis" in 2020. After that he worked part-time as a local assistant for a member of the European Parliament in climate/chemical/energy-policy and for example organized a {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=|url=|label=conference on PFAS-regulation}} in Europe. At the same time he worked part-time as project lead for the {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=|url=|label=State network of citizen energy cooperatives Rhineland palatinate}} to promote the development of {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=|url=|label=electric car sharing by energy cooperatives and citizens}} and successfully implemented electric car sharing organized by citizens in the {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=|url=|label=region Ahrweiler}}.

In November 2022 he joined {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=Item:OSW4b19780ecf9b48f48649f59999bc2cf4|url=|label=KIT}} to work on the tasks '''roadmap''', '''standards & protocols''' and '''European curricula''' in {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=Item:OSW6499d04ced9649f8bbc50f1e940a50c8|url=|label=BATTERY 2030+}}. He was in charge to coordinate the update of the {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=|url=|label=Battery 2030+ Roadmap in 2023}} and is also active for the Roadmap in 2025. Together with Christian Punckt, Simon Stier, Lukas Gold, Simon Clark and Eibar Flores he is responsible for the {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=|url=|label=Battery Knowledge Base}}.
== Publications ==
A list of publications is available at ORCID: {{Template:Viewer/Link|page=|url=|label=Philipp Veit}}
