Revision as of 05:10, 25 February 2025
rdf_type | |
uuid | "1c7f2dfe-0db4-4bf6-a0f6-853054a34ead" |
iri | "emmo:EMMO_1c7f2dfe_0db4_4bf6_a0f6_853054a34ead" |
name | "DataProcessing" |
label | text | "DataProcessing" |
lang | "en" |
description | text | "A computation that provides a data output following the elaboration of some input data, using a data processing application." |
lang | "en" |
meta | uuid | "fd641a33-28c2-4df0-8b93-da333110711f" |
wiki_page | title | "OSW1c7f2dfe0db44bf6a0f6853054a34ead" |
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subclass_of | "Category:OSWeff42cb3208e47689a39f8b6b3c3d7a2" |
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ontologies | "Item:OSW0abba954a5dd55e6882b0726dbaf5380" |
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rdf_type | "owl:Restriction" |
on_property | "Property:emmo:hasOutput" |
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on_property | "Property:emmo:hasParticipant" |
some_values_from | "Category:OSWcbf42aa69e114be8932aae3c792ab17d" |
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.