Revision as of 08:18, 25 February 2025
rdf_type | |
uuid | "a6feec60-5fe7-4687-b427-3bf2ed06008d" |
iri | "chems:substance_a6feec60_5fe7_4687_b427_3bf2ed06008d" |
name | "Dichloromethane" |
label | text | "Dichloromethane" |
lang | "en" |
description | text | "a chemical compound consisting of one carbon atom bonded to two chlorine atoms and two hydrogen atoms" |
lang | "en" |
meta | uuid | "bbc913f2-9123-4899-930e-707ff545f90a" |
wiki_page | title | "OSWa6feec605fe74687b4273bf2ed06008d" |
namespace | "Category" |
change_id | "4caad4a3-8d2d-4691-8196-627860411931" |
type | "Category:OSW57beed5e1294434ba77bb6516e461456" |
subclass_of | "Category:OSW704630b8fee349b9baca40e2dd276370" |
"Category:OSW7fd3843df0b74490bcf3519fb9e2b150" |
metaclass | "Category:OSW57beed5e1294434ba77bb6516e461456" |
imported_from | "chems:substance_a6feec60_5fe7_4687_b427_3bf2ed06008d" |
altLabel | |
This category currently contains no pages or media.