Category:OSW5474010bb2475ee099801e928006efcb /
rdf_type | |
uuid | "5474010b-b247-5ee0-9980-1e928006efcb" |
iri | "" |
name | "Probe" |
label | |
description | text | "Probe is the physical tool (i.e., a disturbance, primary solicitation, or a gadget), controlled over time, that generates measurable fields that interact with the sample to acquire information on the specimen’s behaviour and properties." |
lang | "en" |
meta | uuid | "1b685825-5a91-47a3-8d86-d4735c6fa9c4" |
wiki_page | title | "OSW5474010bb2475ee099801e928006efcb" |
namespace | "Category" |
change_id | "4caad4a3-8d2d-4691-8196-627860411931" |
type | "Category:OSW57beed5e1294434ba77bb6516e461456" |
subclass_of | "Category:OSW64c12579c7d85c658f05b410398d39bf" |
metaclass | "Category:OSW57beed5e1294434ba77bb6516e461456" |
imported_from | "chameo:Probe" |
This category currently contains no pages or media.