Battery2030+ Excellence Seminar - Montse Casas-Cabanas
From Battery Knowledge Base
Item:OSWc83ef5798d8840e8863bc0bb67cd8d2c /
type | "Category:OSW0e084decca6f48a7b023d6b7b2c1452d" |
uuid | "c83ef579-8d88-40e8-863b-c0bb67cd8d2c" |
label | text | "Battery2030+ Excellence Seminar - Montse Casas-Cabanas" |
lang | "en" |
description | text | "An instance of the Battery2030+ Excellence Seminar, featuring Montse Casas-Cabanas on the topic, "Exploiting Defects in the Design of Battery Materials"" |
lang | "en" |
url | "" |
project | "Item:OSW6499d04ced9649f8bbc50f1e940a50c8" |
organizer | "Item:OSW78e5fc5c6a524755a1685fe4315f3d93" |
participants | |
minutes_taker | |
start_date | "2024-10-29" |
end_date | "2024-10-29" |
keywords | "Item:OSW33726bfbbe21401a9416b4112fa96f8b" |
"Item:OSWfe420bf78d87418aa6dd5cda8ffcac08" |
image | "File:OSWa942d0af3e694fb09d6cbd88461b8de5.png" |
name | "Battery2030ExcellenceSeminarMontseCasasCabanas" |