"Text" is a predefined property that represents text of arbitrary length and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. This property is pre-deployed (also known as special property) and comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other user-defined property.
A webinar organized by BATT4EU +
BATT4EU Webinar on Advancing Non-Road Mobility +
batt4euwebinaronadvancingnonroadmobility +
An in-person internal workshop for members of the BATTERY 2030+ CAS3 or one of the past 6 or running 13 projects to kick off the work on the Battery 2030+ roadmap that will be published in October 2025. +
BATTERY 2030+ Large-Scale Research Initiative Roadmap Workshop +
battery2030largescaleresearchinitiativeroadmapworkshop +
BATTwin Logo.png +
battwinlogopng +
An event organized by BEPA +
BEPA Technology Brokerage Event +