
Showing 20 pages using this property.
cidetecfoundation  +
Calendering  +
applying a fixed pressure and thickness to compress the dried coated substrate to a target coating density  +
calendering  +
Calorimetry  +
calorimetry  +
Capacitance measurement (estimation of active area)  +
capacitancemeasurementestimationofactivearea  +
Capacitance-based Tension Monitoring  +
capacitancebasedtensionmonitoring  +
Capacity (after formation)  +
capacityafterformation  +
Capacity (coin cell, after formation)  +
capacitycoincellafterformation  +
Capacity (end of test)  +
capacityendoftest  +
Capacity (lab scale)  +
capacitylabscale  +
Capacity Measurement by Discharge Testing  +
capacitymeasurementbydischargetesting  +