Category:OSWb0a0dddbd9424af2b6a7d7165f4253f1 /
CarbonPasteElectrode | |
ID | OSWb0a0dddbd9424af2b6a7d7165f4253f1 |
UUID | b0a0dddb-d942-4af2-b6a7-d7165f4253f1 |
Label | CarbonPasteElectrode |
Machine compatible name | CarbonPasteElectrode |
Statements (outgoing) | |
Statements (incoming) | |
Electrode of a composite of carbon powder and a pasting liquid (including mineral oil, Nujol, bromoform, bromonaphthalene).
Category (Class) |
OWL Class | |
Imported fromA prefixed IRI defining this entry as a imported term. In OSW the prefix must be a registered imported ontology.<br>Definition: OWL Class | b0a0dddb d942 4af2 b6a7 d7165f4253f1 |
EmmoClass | |
Supercategories<br>Definition: Category (Class), OWL Class, EmmoClass | |
Alternative label<br>Definition: EmmoClass |
metaclass<br>Definition: Category (Class), EmmoClass |
rdf_type |
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uuid | "b0a0dddb-d942-4af2-b6a7-d7165f4253f1" | |||||||||||
iri | "" | |||||||||||
name | "CarbonPasteElectrode" | |||||||||||
label |
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description |
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meta |
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type |
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subclass_of |
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metaclass |
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imported_from | "echem:electrochemistry_b0a0dddb_d942_4af2_b6a7_d7165f4253f1" | |||||||||||
altLabel |