
Category:OSWa6c6b673d314531e83bce1010db7a848 /
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Mixing [OSWa6c6b673d314531e83bce1010db7a848]
ID OSWa6c6b673d314531e83bce1010db7a848
UUID a6c6b673-d314-531e-83bc-e1010db7a848
Label Mixing
Machine compatible name Mixing
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mixing of slurry constituent components together with a solvent to create an electrode slurry

Supercategories<br>Definition: CategoryClass
kit_step_idColumn 'Step #' in the KIT excel sheet<br>Definition: MetaKitProcessCategory 03
successorsFollowing process steps<br>Definition: MetaKitProcessCategory
parametersInput / control parameters of the process<br>Definition: MetaKitProcessCategory
  • Batch size (mixing)
  • Mixing intensity
  • Mixing order
  • Mixing time
  • Mixing tool (model)
  • Mixing tool (serial number)
  • Mixing tool (technology)
  • Mixing tool (vendor)
  • Polymer phase
  • Temperature (mixing)
  • Vacuum (mixing)
  • depends_onCharacteristics of input materials that are relevant for the design of the process<br>Definition: MetaKitProcessCategory
  • Purity (raw materials)
  • Particle size distribution (active materials)
  • Particle size distribution (additives)
  • Particle size distribution (binder)
  • Carbon black agglomerate size (after pre-mixing)
  • Chemical composition (active material)
  • Chemical purity
  • Particle shape (active material)
  • Particle size (active material)
  • Specifc surface area (active material)
  • Specifc surface area (cabon black after pre-mixing)
  • kit_idColumn 'ProcID' in the KIT excel sheet<br>Definition: MetaKitProcessCategory 03-Mixing
    outputsOutput materials of the process<br>Definition: MetaKitProcessCategory

    Slurry mixing involves combining active materials, conductive additives, binders, and solvents to create a homogeneous electrode slurry mixture[1]. This slurry is then coated onto a current collector to form the electrode. Proper slurry mixing ensures optimal performance, consistency, and longevity of the batteries.

    Components of the Slurry

    1. Active Material: The main component responsible for electrochemical reactions. Examples include lithium cobalt oxide (LCO) and graphite.
    2. Conductive Additives: Materials like carbon black or carbon nanotubes that enhance electrical conductivity.
    3. Binders: Polymers such as polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) that provide mechanical stability and adhesion to the current collector.
    4. Solvents: Liquids such as N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) or water used to dissolve binders and facilitate mixing.

    Mixing Process


    • Weighing: This step involves precisely measuring each component of the slurry to match the desired electrode composition. Accurate weighing ensures the correct ratio of active materials, conductive additives, binders, and solvents, which is crucial for the performance and consistency of the final battery.
    • Pre-mixing: Before adding any liquids, the dry powders (active materials and conductive additives) are pre-mixed. This helps in achieving a uniform distribution of particles, preventing segregation, and ensuring that all subsequent mixing steps result in a homogenous slurry.


    • Add Solvent: The solvent is added gradually to the pre-mixed dry powders while stirring at a low speed. This careful addition prevents the formation of agglomerates, which are clumps of particles that can affect the uniformity and performance of the slurry.
    • High-speed Mixing: Using high-shear mixers or ball mills, the slurry is mixed at high speeds to break down any remaining agglomerates. This step, which can take several hours, ensures that the particles are evenly distributed throughout the mixture, resulting in a smooth and consistent slurry.

    Binder Addition

    • Slow Addition: The binder is added slowly to the slurry while continuously mixing. Adding the binder gradually helps prevent clumping, ensuring that the binder is evenly distributed throughout the slurry.
    • High-shear Mixing: After adding the binder, high-shear mixing continues to ensure that the binder is fully dissolved and homogeneously mixed. This step is critical for the mechanical stability and adhesion properties of the final electrode.


    • Vacuum Deaeration: Air bubbles trapped in the slurry can cause defects in the coated electrodes. Vacuum deaeration removes these bubbles by applying a vacuum to the slurry, ensuring a defect-free coating process.
    • Final Mixing: The slurry undergoes a final mixing phase at a moderate speed. This ensures that the mixture is completely homogeneous, with all components evenly distributed, ready for the coating process on the current collector.



    • Planetary Mixers: Ideal for small-scale or laboratory use, providing thorough mixing with minimal shear.
    • High-shear Mixers: Suitable for large-scale production, offering efficient particle dispersion and homogenization.
    • Ball Mills: Used for breaking down agglomerates and achieving fine particle distribution.


    • Ultrasonic Dispersers: Utilize ultrasonic waves to break up particle agglomerates.
    • Bead Mills: Employ grinding beads to achieve fine dispersion of particles.

    Process Parameters

    • Temperature: Maintain a controlled temperature (typically 25-40°C) to ensure binder solubility and prevent solvent evaporation.
    • Mixing Speed: Optimize mixing speed based on the slurry viscosity and desired particle size distribution. High speeds enhance dispersion but may cause excessive heating.
    • Mixing Time: Ensure adequate mixing time to achieve homogeneity without over-mixing, which can cause degradation of materials.

    Quality Control

    Viscosity Measurement

    • Regularly measure slurry viscosity using viscometers to ensure consistency. Target viscosity varies depending on the electrode type but is generally within the range of 500-5000 cP.

    Particle Size Analysis

    • Perform particle size analysis using laser diffraction or dynamic light scattering to ensure uniform particle distribution.

    Homogeneity Testing

    • Test slurry samples for homogeneity using techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS).

    Safety Considerations

    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Wear appropriate PPE, including gloves, goggles, and respirators, to protect against hazardous chemicals.
    • Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation in the mixing area to prevent solvent vapor accumulation.
    • Spill Containment: Implement spill containment measures to handle accidental spills safely.



    • Cause: Insufficient mixing or inadequate dispersing agent.
    • Solution: Increase mixing time or speed, or add more dispersing agent.

    Viscosity Fluctuations

    • Cause: Inconsistent binder or solvent addition.
    • Solution: Ensure precise and controlled addition of components.

    Poor Adhesion

    • Cause: Incomplete binder dissolution or inadequate mixing.
    • Solution: Extend mixing time and ensure thorough binder integration.

    Proper slurry mixing is essential for high-performance battery electrodes. By following these guidelines and continuously monitoring process parameters, manufacturers can achieve consistent and reliable slurry formulations.

    1. Ayerbe, et al. Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 12, 2102696. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202102696
    text"mixing of slurry constituent components together with a solvent to create an electrode slurry"
    description"mixing of slurry constituent components together with a solvent to create an electrode slurry"
    en"mixing of slurry constituent components together with a solvent to create an electrode slurry"

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