Atom | |
ID | OSWeb77076ba10442aca065798b2d2809ad |
UUID | eb77076b-a104-42ac-a065-798b2d2809ad |
Label | Atom |
Machine compatible name | Atom |
Statements (outgoing) | |
Statements (incoming) | |
A standalone atom has direct part one 'nucleus' and one 'electron_cloud'.
An O 'atom' within an O₂ 'molecule' is an 'e-bonded_atom'.
In this material branch, H atom is a particular case, with respect to higher atomic number atoms, since as soon as it shares its electron it has no nucleus entangled electron cloud.
We cannot say that H₂ molecule has direct part two H atoms, but has direct part two H nucleus.
Category (Class) |
OWL Class | |
Imported fromA prefixed IRI defining this entry as a imported term. In OSW the prefix must be a registered imported ontology.<br>Definition: OWL Class | eb77076b a104 42ac a065 798b2d2809ad |
OntologiesOntologies that contain this term<br>Definition: OWL Class | |
RelationsRelations of this class to other classes, instances or literals (OWL Restrictions)<br>Definition: OWL Class |
hasSpatialPart ElementaryElectron hasSpatialPart Nucleus hasSpatialPart Nucleus |
EmmoClass | |
Supercategories<br>Definition: Category (Class), OWL Class, EmmoClass | |
Alternative label<br>Definition: EmmoClass |
metaclass<br>Definition: Category (Class), EmmoClass |
rdf_type |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uuid | "eb77076b-a104-42ac-a065-798b2d2809ad" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
iri | "" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
name | "Atom" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
label |
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description |
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meta |
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type |
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subclass_of |
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metaclass |
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ontologies |
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imported_from | "emmo:EMMO_eb77076b_a104_42ac_a065_798b2d2809ad" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
restrictions |
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altLabel |
This category has the following 120 subcategories, out of 120 total.
- CarbonAtom (empty)
- OsmiumAtom (empty)
- GadoliniumAtom (empty)
- CadmiumAtom (empty)
- CuriumAtom (empty)
- LutetiumAtom (empty)
- GoldAtom (empty)
- MolybdenumAtom (empty)
- BismuthAtom (empty)
- TitaniumAtom (empty)
- PlatinumAtom (empty)
- CeriumAtom (empty)
- ErbiumAtom (empty)
- NeptuniumAtom (empty)
- AstatineAtom (empty)
- PraseodymiumAtom (empty)
- HassiumAtom (empty)
- BariumAtom (empty)
- NeonAtom (empty)
- NitrogenAtom (empty)
- FranciumAtom (empty)
- ProtactiniumAtom (empty)
- ChromiumAtom (empty)
- CalciumAtom (empty)
- ManganeseAtom (empty)
- HeliumAtom (empty)
- EinsteiniumAtom (empty)
- NeodymiumAtom (empty)
- MeitneriumAtom (empty)
- SilverAtom (empty)
- ActiniumAtom (empty)
- LithiumAtom (empty)
- RhodiumAtom (empty)
- RadiumAtom (empty)
- RoentgeniumAtom (empty)
- CobaltAtom (empty)
- ArsenicAtom (empty)
- LawrenciumAtom (empty)
- OxygenAtom (empty)
- NobeliumAtom (empty)
- IodineAtom (empty)
- DarmastadtiumAtom (empty)
- XenonAtom (empty)
- CopperAtom (empty)
- ThoriumAtom (empty)
- HydrogenAtom (empty)
- IridiumAtom (empty)
- FermiumAtom (empty)
- BoronAtom (empty)
- SamariumAtom (empty)
- BohriumAtom (empty)
- SeaborgiumAtom (empty)
- GermaniumAtom (empty)
- PlutoniumAtom (empty)
- TennessineAtom (empty)
- GalliumAtom (empty)
- KryptonAtom (empty)
- YttriumAtom (empty)
- PromethiumAtom (empty)
- LeadAtom (empty)
- ArgonAtom (empty)
- NihoniumAtom (empty)
- PoloniumAtom (empty)
- RutherfordiumAtom (empty)
- PhosphorusAtom (empty)
- SiliconAtom (empty)
- FleroviumAtom (empty)
- TungstenAtom (empty)
- AluminiumAtom (empty)
- SeleniumAtom (empty)
- ThuliumAtom (empty)
- BondedAtom (empty)
- CaesiumAtom (empty)
- SulfurAtom (empty)
- EuropiumAtom (empty)
- YtterbiumAtom (empty)
- RheniumAtom (empty)
- StrontiumAtom (empty)
- RutheniumAtom (empty)
- IndiumAtom (empty)
- TinAtom (empty)
- TechnetiumAtom (empty)
- IronAtom (empty)
- NiobiumAtom (empty)
- LanthanumAtom (empty)
- UraniumAtom (empty)
- BromineAtom (empty)
- CaliforniumAtom (empty)
- MoscoviumAtom (empty)
- DubniumAtom (empty)
- BerylliumAtom (empty)
- ChlorineAtom (empty)
- MercuryAtom (empty)
- ThalliumAtom (empty)
- ZirconiumAtom (empty)
- TelluriumAtom (empty)
- AntimonyAtom (empty)
- RubidiumAtom (empty)
- NickelAtom (empty)
- PalladiumAtom (empty)
- OganessonAtom (empty)
- BerkeliumAtom (empty)
- PotassiumAtom (empty)
- TantalumAtom (empty)
- SodiumAtom (empty)
- DysprosiumAtom (empty)
- HafniumAtom (empty)
- TerbiumAtom (empty)
- MendeleviumAtom (empty)
- VanadiumAtom (empty)
- LivermoriumAtom (empty)
- ZincAtom (empty)
- AmericiumAtom (empty)
- CoperniciumAtom (empty)
- ScandiumAtom (empty)
- HolmiumAtom (empty)
- RadonAtom (empty)
- FluorineAtom (empty)
- MagnesiumAtom (empty)