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Tag: Metadata slot edit
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Tag: 2017 source edit
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=== Batteries – development of generation 3b technology ===

==== Recording ====
{{#ev:youtube|bz6kj09MVWU|||23. Batteries – development of generation 3b technology}}
=== Next generation battery packs for BEV and PHEV ===
==== Recording ====
{{#ev:youtube|D625DM2Wg08|||17. Next generation battery packs for BEV and PHEV}}
=== Solid state batteries for electromobility ===
==== Recording ====
{{#ev:youtube|UBLLunvpKuo|||14. Solid state batteries for electromobility}}
=== High-performance & safe-by-design next generation battery systems for road transport applications ===
==== Recording ====
{{#ev:youtube|h4SagagD4j4|||6. High-performance & safe-by-design next generation battery systems for road transport applications}}
