Property:Processing error message

From Battery Knowledge Base
Showing 20 pages using this property.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
No type definition was found for "knows" in the foaf import.
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