From Battery Knowledge Base
ISQDimensionlessQuantity | |
ID | OSWa66427d1993243639ec57d91f2bfda1e |
UUID | a66427d1-9932-4363-9ec5-7d91f2bfda1e |
Label | ISQDimensionlessQuantity |
Machine compatible name | ISQDimensionlessQuantity |
Statements (outgoing) | |
Statements (incoming) | |
A quantity to which no physical dimension is assigned and with a corresponding unit of measurement in the SI of the unit one.
Category (Class) |
OWL Class | |
Imported fromA prefixed IRI defining this entry as a imported term. In OSW the prefix must be a registered imported ontology.<br>Definition: OWL Class | a66427d1 9932 4363 9ec5 7d91f2bfda1e |
OntologiesOntologies that contain this term<br>Definition: OWL Class | |
RelationsRelations of this class to other classes, instances or literals (OWL Restrictions)<br>Definition: OWL Class |
hasMetrologicalReference DimensionlessUnit hasMetrologicalReference DimensionlessUnit |
EmmoClass | |
Supercategories<br>Definition: Category (Class), OWL Class, EmmoClass | |
metaclass<br>Definition: Category (Class), EmmoClass |
rdf_type |
| ||||||||||||||||||
uuid | "a66427d1-9932-4363-9ec5-7d91f2bfda1e" | ||||||||||||||||||
iri | "" | ||||||||||||||||||
name | "ISQDimensionlessQuantity" | ||||||||||||||||||
label |
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description |
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meta |
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type |
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subclass_of |
| ||||||||||||||||||
metaclass |
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ontologies |
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imported_from | "emmo:EMMO_a66427d1_9932_4363_9ec5_7d91f2bfda1e" | ||||||||||||||||||
restrictions |
This category has the following 48 subcategories, out of 48 total.
- DragCoefficient (empty)
- Rotation (empty)
- ActivityFactor (empty)
- Lethargy (empty)
- BindingFraction (empty)
- MolecularPartitionFunction (empty)
- ActivityOfSolvent (empty)
- LongRangeOrderParameter (empty)
- ActivityCoefficient (empty)
- ThermalUtilizationFactor (empty)
- RelativeMassExcess (empty)
- AverageLogarithmicEnergyDecrement (empty)
- MaximumEfficiency (empty)
- DebyeWallerFactor (empty)
- ThermalDiffusionFactor (empty)
- LeakageFactor (empty)
- RelativeLinearStrain (empty)
- LogarithmicDecrement (empty)
- InfiniteMultiplicationFactor (empty)
- IsentropicExponent (empty)
- GrandCanonicalPartionFunction (empty)
- MicrocanonicalPartitionFunction (empty)
- AngularMeasure (empty)
- Degenerency (empty)
- OsmoticCoefficientOfSolvent (empty)
- PackingFraction (empty)
- ShearStrain (empty)
- StatisticalWeightOfSubsystem (empty)
- TotalIonization (empty)
- MassRatioOfWaterToDryMatter (empty)
- LossFactor (empty)
- CouplingFactor (empty)
- DoseEquivalentQualityFactor (empty)
- RelativeMassDefect (empty)
- CanonicalPartitionFunction (empty)
- GrueneisenParamter (empty)
- MagneticSusceptibility (empty)
- ShortRangeOrderParameter (empty)
- ThermalDiffusionRatio (empty)
- ElectricSusceptibility (empty)
- DegreeOfDissociation (empty)
- ThermodynamicGrueneisenParameter (empty)