Sub-unit of a department.
subclass_of | "Category:OSWfe3e842b804445c7bb0dd8ee61da2d70" |
uuid | "b8b62787-63d5-4b07-84ee-a9d3b3d183a4" |
label | |
text | "Working group" |
lang | "en" |
text | "Arbeitsgruppe" |
lang | "de" |
description | text | "Sub-unit of a department." |
lang | "en" |
text | "Untereinheit einer Abteilung" |
lang | "de" |
name | "Group" |
type | |
@context | "/wiki/Category:OSWfe3e842b804445c7bb0dd8ee61da2d70?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
allOf | $ref | "/wiki/Category:OSWfe3e842b804445c7bb0dd8ee61da2d70?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
type | "object" |
title | "Group" |
required | |
defaultProperties | |
properties | manager | title | "Head" |
title* | |
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format | "table" |
items | title | "" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
query | "[[Category:OSW44deaa5b806d41a2a88594f562b110e9]] |?Display_title_of=label" |
previewWikiTextTemplate | "[[:{{result.fulltext}}]]" |
labelTemplate | "{{result.printouts.label.[0]}}" |
uniqueItems | true |
superordinate_ou | description | "Faculty, institute, department or organization, the group belongs to." |
description* | en | "Faculty, institute, department or organization, the group belongs to." |
de | "FakultÀt, Institut, Abteilung oder Organisation, der die Gruppe angehört." |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
query | "[[HasType::Category:OSW1969007d5acf40539642877659a02c23]] OR [[HasType::Category:OSW5427361692374c8eaa6bd3733b92d343]] OR [[HasType::Category:OSWa01126bc9e9048988cb0f49e359015bc]] OR [[HasType::Category:OSW94aa074255374580b70337340c5ccc1b]] |?Display_title_of=label" |
previewWikiTextTemplate | "[[:{{result.fulltext}}]]" |
labelTemplate | "{{result.printouts.label.[0]}}" |
uniqueItems | true |
type | default | "Category:OSWb8b6278763d54b0784eea9d3b3d183a4" |
Pages in category "Group"
This category contains only the following page.