Unused properties

From Battery Knowledge Base

This page lists unused properties that are declared although no other page makes use of them. For a differentiated view, see the entire or wanted properties special pages.

List of properties

  1. HasApprover of type Page
  2. HasContact of type Page
  3. HasCount of type Quantity
  4. HasDate of type Date
  5. HasDepartment of type Page
  6. HasGravimetricMonetaryValue of type Quantity
  7. HasId of type Text
  8. HasInput of type Page
  9. HasInventoryNumber of type Text
  10. HasIp4Address of type Text
  11. HasManual of type Page
  12. HasMass of type Quantity
  13. HasMassConcentration of type Quantity
  14. HasMonetaryValue of type Quantity
  15. HasNetworkDomain of type Text
  16. HasOrderer of type Page
  17. HasOwner of type Page
  18. HasPerUnitMonetaryValue of type Quantity
  19. HasPricePerUnit of type Quantity
  20. HasPricePerVolume of type Quantity
  21. HasPricePerWeight of type Quantity
  22. HasResponsiblePerson of type Page
  23. HasRiskAssessment of type Page
  24. HasVersion of type Text
  25. HasVolume of type Quantity
  26. HasVolumetricMonetaryValue of type Quantity
  27. IsA of type Page
  28. foaf:homepage of type URL
  29. foaf:knows of type Page
  30. foaf:name of type Text
  31. owl:differentFrom of type Page