From Battery Knowledge Base
Item:OSWaeffcee25ccb5dd8b42a434dc644d62c /
(Redirected from Simon Stier)
Post doctoral researcher and head of the Digtal Transformation working group at Fraunhofer ISC
Item |
Type(s)/Category(s) |
User |
Username |
Abbreviation |
Office |
Superior |
username | "" |
type | "Category:OSWd9aa0bca9b0040d8af6f5c091bf9eec7" |
first_name | "Simon" |
surname | "Stier" |
organization | "Item:OSWa3c43b9c31e04e1fa7894e56f796838c" |
email | "" |
phone_number | |
uuid | "aeffcee2-5ccb-5dd8-b42a-434dc644d62c" |
label | text | "Simon Stier" |
lang | "en" |
text | "Simon Stier" |
lang | "de" |
iri | "" |
organizational_unit | "Item:OSW950bb08b3fe44819b190a5be56adc1d0" |
"Item:OSWeb3bfe7f93fa51d0b0c2cc898a8f04b5" |
name | "SimonStier" |
orcid | "" |
image | "File:OSW48f962f4a96b49bfbd886d79805f4f4c.jpg" |
description | text | "Post doctoral researcher and head of the Digtal Transformation working group at Fraunhofer ISC" |
lang | "en" |