From Battery Knowledge Base
Item:OSWefede514775b4736965eb217e6a2512c /
type | "Category:OSWb2d7e6a2eff94c82b7f1f2699d5b0ee3" |
subjects | "Chemical Engineering" |
"Renewable Energy" |
"Environmental Sustainability" |
"Materials Science" |
project_type | "public" |
project_status | "Item:OSW55a9a9bda7b248759e48ae2e3ed6df1d" |
funding_name | "" |
start_date | "2023-11-01" |
end_date | "2026-10-31" |
abstract | "The REVITALISE project focuses on creating sustainable recycling processes for end-of-life batteries by leveraging innovative technologies and partnerships. Involving nine leading research institutions, the project aims to address the environmental impacts of battery waste by refining safer, more cost-effective recycling techniques." |
uuid | "efede514-775b-4736-965e-b217e6a2512c" |
label | text | "REVITALISE " |
lang | "en" |
description | text | "The REVITALISE project aims to deliver a holistic solution for green, low-cost, and environmentally friendly recycling processes for end-of-life batteries.
The nine project partners target a comprehensive range of battery materials, including lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries, which represent 85% of battery waste streams up to 2025 and beyond." |
lang | "en" |
attachment | |
funding_call | "" |
name | "REVITALISE" |