An enterprise (potentially individual but typically collaborative), planned to achieve a particular aim.
Project pages provide a structured way to document and share information about research projects within the Battery Knowledge Graph. These pages serve as central hubs for projects related to battery research. By creating a project page, researchers and collaborators can make their work more visible, facilitate knowledge sharing, and connect with others working on similar topics.
Gantt Chart
Overview Table
subclass_of | |
type | |
uuid | "b2d7e6a2-eff9-4c82-b7f1-f2699d5b0ee3" |
label | |
short_name | |
description | text | "An enterprise (potentially individual but typically collaborative), planned to achieve a particular aim." |
lang | "en" |
text | "Ein (möglicherweise individuelles, in der Regel aber gemeinschaftliches) Unternehmen oder Unternehmung, das auf ein bestimmtes Ziel ausgerichtet ist" |
lang | "de" |
name | "Project" |
utf8_icon | |
instance_rdf_type | |
@context | abstract | @id | "Property:HasAbstract" |
@type | "@id" |
budget_end | @id | "Property:HasBudgetEndDate" |
@type | "@id" |
budget_ou | @id | "Property:HasBusinessUnit" |
@type | "@id" |
budget_start | @id | "Property:HasBudgetStartDate" |
@type | "@id" |
budget_type | @id | "Property:HasType" |
@type | "@id" |
budget_year | @id | "Property:HasBudgetYear" |
@type | "@id" |
end_date | @id | "Property:HasEndDate" |
@type | "@id" |
funding_call | @id | "Property:HasFundingCall" |
@type | "@id" |
funding | @id | "schema:funding" |
@type | "@id" |
funding* | @id | "Property:HasFunding" |
@type | "@id" |
funder | @id | "schema:funder" |
@type | "@id" |
funder* | @id | "Property:HasFunder" |
@type | "@id" |
member | @id | "schema:member" |
@type | "@id" |
member* | @id | "Property:HasMember" |
@type | "@id" |
member_of | @id | "schema:memberOf" |
@type | "@id" |
member_of* | @id | "Property:IsMemberOf" |
@type | "@id" |
other_documents | @id | "Property:HasAdditionalDocument" |
@type | "@id" |
ou | @id | "Property:HasBusinessUnit" |
@type | "@id" |
project_manager | @id | "Property:HasManager" |
@type | "@id" |
project_status | @id | "Property:HasStatus" |
@type | "@id" |
project_type | @id | "Property:HasType" |
@type | "@id" |
proposal | @id | "Property:HasProposal" |
@type | "@id" |
report | @id | "Property:HasReport" |
@type | "@id" |
start_date | @id | "Property:HasStartDate" |
@type | "@id" |
subjects | @id | "Property:HasTopic" |
@type | "@id" |
total_budget | @id | "Property:HasBudget" |
@type | "@id" |
year | @id | "Property:HasYear" |
@type | "@id" |
yearly_budget | @id | "Property:HasBudgetPart" |
@type | "@id" |
yearly_budget_sum | @id | "Property:HasBudget" |
@type | "@id" |
"/wiki/Category:Item?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
allOf | $ref | "/wiki/Category:Item?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
uuid | "b2d7e6a2-eff9-4c82-b7f1-f2699d5b0ee3" |
type | "object" |
title | "Project" |
title* | |
description | "An enterprise (potentially individual but typically collaborative), planned to achieve a particular aim." |
description* | de | "Ein (möglicherweise individuelles, in der Regel aber gemeinschaftliches) Unternehmen oder Unternehmung, das auf ein bestimmtes Ziel ausgerichtet ist." |
required | |
defaultProperties | "subjects" |
"project_type" |
"project_status" |
"funding_call" |
"funder" |
"funding" |
"funding_name" |
"ou" |
"project_manager" |
"member" |
"member_of" |
"start_date" |
"end_date" |
"total_budget" |
"yearly_budget" |
"proposal" |
"abstract" |
properties | type | default | "Category:OSWb2d7e6a2eff94c82b7f1f2699d5b0ee3" |
subjects | items | title | "Subject" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
title | "Subjects" |
type | "array" |
format | "array" |
title* | |
project_type | title | "Project type" |
type | "string" |
enum | "house_project" |
"internal" |
"public" |
"industry" |
title* | |
default | "" |
options | enum_titles | "House project" |
"Internal" |
"Public" |
"Industry" |
enum_titles* | de | "Hausprojekt" |
"Intern" |
"Öffentlich" |
"Industrie" |
project_status | title | "Project status" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW490e38f9764f4408a244869a0ea98e7c" |
default | "Item:OSW55a9a9bda7b248759e48ae2e3ed6df1d" |
funding_call | title | "Funding call" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
options | autocomplete | category | "Category:OSWd22af0aa3b00462a9da9b509538e8926" |
funder | title | "Funder" |
title* | de | "Förder- bzw. Auftragsgeber" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW3cb8cef2225e403092f098f99bc4c472" |
funding | title | "Funding" |
title* | |
description | "Grant or contract" |
description* | de | "Förderung oder Vertrag" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSWbe80b28aefd64921ba2e8e2d6225416e" |
funding_name | title | "Funding (name)" |
title* | |
description | "Grant or contract. Use this property to enter a text if you don't want to create a new instance of grant." |
description* | de | "Förderung oder Vertrag. Verwenden Sie diese Eigenschaft, um einen Text einzugeben, wenn Sie keine neue Instanz von Grant erstellen möchten." |
type | "string" |
ou | title | "OU" |
title* | |
description | "Organizational Unit (OU), which carries out the project" |
description* | de | "Organisationseinheit (OE), die das Projekt durchführt" |
type | "array" |
items | title | "Organizational Unit (OU)" |
title* | de | "Organisationseinheit (OE)" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
options | autocomplete | category | "Category:OSW3cb8cef2225e403092f098f99bc4c472" |
project_manager | title | "Project Manager" |
title* | en | "Project Manager" |
de | "Projektleiter*in" |
type | "array" |
items | title | "Project Manager" |
title* | en | "Project Manager" |
de | "Projektleiter*in" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
options | autocomplete | category | "Category:OSW44deaa5b806d41a2a88594f562b110e9" |
member | title | "Member" |
title* | en | "Member" |
de | "Mitglieder*innen" |
type | "array" |
items | title | "Member" |
title* | en | "Member" |
de | "Mitglieder*in" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
options | autocomplete | query | "[[Category:OSW44deaa5b806d41a2a88594f562b110e9]] OR [[Category:OSW3cb8cef2225e403092f098f99bc4c472]] |?Display_title_of=label" |
member_of | title | "Member of" |
title* | en | "Member of " |
de | "Mitglied von" |
description | "Organizational unit(s), the project is a member of, e.g. a project cluster" |
description* | de | "Organisationseinheit(en), zu der das Projekt gehört, z. B. ein Projektcluster" |
type | "array" |
items | title | "Member of" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW3cb8cef2225e403092f098f99bc4c472" |
start_date | title | "Start" |
type | "string" |
format | "date" |
title* | |
options | |
end_date | title | "End" |
type | "string" |
format | "date" |
title* | |
options | |
total_budget | title | "Total Budget" |
type | "number" |
title* | |
yearly_budget | title | "Yearly budget" |
type | "array" |
format | "array" |
title* | |
items | title | "Yearly budget" |
title* | |
type | "object" |
required | |
properties | uuid | type | "string" |
format | "uuid" |
options | |
yearly_budget_sum | title | "Yearly Budget Sum" |
type | "number" |
title* | |
budget_year | title | "Year" |
type | "string" |
title* | |
budget_start | title | "Start" |
type | "string" |
format | "date" |
title* | |
budget_end | title | "End" |
type | "string" |
format | "date" |
title* | |
budget_ou | title | "OU" |
title* | |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "OU" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
options | autocomplete | category | "Category:OSW3cb8cef2225e403092f098f99bc4c472" |
budget_type | title | "Type" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW595b282aedf048788f3ee326454792ce" |
proposal | title | "Proposal" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "url" |
options | |
links | href | "{{#if self}}/w/index.php?title=Special:Redirect/file/{{self}}&width=200&height=200{{/if}}" |
mediaType | "image" |
href | "{{#if self}}/w/index.php?title=Special:Redirect/file/{{self}}{{/if}}" |
rel | "{{#if self}}download{{/if}}" |
download | true |
report | title | "Report" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "url" |
options | |
links | href | "{{#if self}}/w/index.php?title=Special:Redirect/file/{{self}}&width=200&height=200{{/if}}" |
mediaType | "image" |
href | "{{#if self}}/w/index.php?title=Special:Redirect/file/{{self}}{{/if}}" |
rel | "{{#if self}}download{{/if}}" |
download | true |
other_documents | title | "Additional documents" |
title* | en | "Additional documents" |
de | "Sonstige Dokumente" |
type | "array" |
items | title | "Additional documents" |
title* | en | "Additional documents" |
de | "Sonstige Dokumente" |
type | "string" |
format | "url" |
options | |
links | href | "{{#if self}}/w/index.php?title=Special:Redirect/file/{{self}}&width=200&height=200{{/if}}" |
mediaType | "image" |
href | "{{#if self}}/w/index.php?title=Special:Redirect/file/{{self}}{{/if}}" |
rel | "{{#if self}}download{{/if}}" |
download | true |
abstract | title | "Abstract" |
type | "string" |
format | "textarea" |
title* | |
Pages in category "Project"
The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.