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uuid | "2a40b878-7d09-49db-91b2-d0ee30192284" |
iri | "https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/electrochemistry#electrochemistry_2a40b878_7d09_49db_91b2_d0ee30192284" |
name | "StandardHydrogenElectrode" |
label | text | "StandardHydrogenElectrode" |
lang | "en" |
description | text | "for solutions in protic solvents, the universal reference electrode for which, under standard conditions, the standard electrode potential (H+ / H2) is zero at all temperatures" |
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meta | uuid | "1f582962-6359-40d0-b8cd-378dc505c1ff" |
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imported_from | "echem:electrochemistry_2a40b878_7d09_49db_91b2_d0ee30192284" |
altLabel | |
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