rdf_type | |
uuid | "7729c34e-1ae9-403d-b933-1765885e7f29" |
iri | "" |
name | "ReferenceElectrode" |
label | text | "ReferenceElectrode" |
lang | "en" |
description | text | "Electrode with a well-defined and constant equilibrium potential with respect to which it is possible to measure or calculate electrode potentials of other electrodes by including them in an appropriate electrochemical cell." |
lang | "en" |
meta | uuid | "3ef52819-683e-47a3-a7f0-83f7e88916d2" |
wiki_page | title | "OSW7729c34e1ae9403db9331765885e7f29" |
namespace | "Category" |
change_id | "4caad4a3-8d2d-4691-8196-627860411931" |
type | "Category:OSW57beed5e1294434ba77bb6516e461456" |
subclass_of | "Category:OSW9f466223e20a474dac4d6d4b6131c275" |
metaclass | "Category:OSW57beed5e1294434ba77bb6516e461456" |
imported_from | "echem:electrochemistry_7729c34e_1ae9_403d_b933_1765885e7f29" |
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.