CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity | |
ID | OSWc29603f595e842f5ab0cf3bcf3166d53 |
UUID | c29603f5-95e8-42f5-ab0c-f3bcf3166d53 |
Label | CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity |
Machine compatible name | CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity |
Statements (outgoing) | |
Statements (incoming) | |
Quantities categorised according to ISO 80000-12.
Category (Class) |
OWL Class | |
Imported fromA prefixed IRI defining this entry as a imported term. In OSW the prefix must be a registered imported ontology.<br>Definition: OWL Class | c29603f5 95e8 42f5 ab0c f3bcf3166d53 |
OntologiesOntologies that contain this term<br>Definition: OWL Class |
EmmoClass | |
Supercategories<br>Definition: Category (Class), OWL Class, EmmoClass |
metaclass<br>Definition: Category (Class), EmmoClass |
rdf_type |
| |||||||||||
uuid | "c29603f5-95e8-42f5-ab0c-f3bcf3166d53" | |||||||||||
iri | "" | |||||||||||
name | "CondensedMatterPhysicsQuantity" | |||||||||||
label |
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description |
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meta |
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type |
| |||||||||||
subclass_of |
| |||||||||||
metaclass |
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ontologies |
| |||||||||||
imported_from | "emmo:EMMO_c29603f5_95e8_42f5_ab0c_f3bcf3166d53" |
This category has the following 60 subcategories, out of 60 total.
- BraggAngleβ (empty)
- FundamentalLatticeVectorβ (empty)
- AtomicScatteringFactorβ (empty)
- IntrinsicCarrierDensityβ (empty)
- FundamentalReciprocalLatticeVectorβ (empty)
- LatticePlaneSpacingβ (empty)
- ResidualResistivityβ (empty)
- RelaxationTimeβ (empty)
- MobilityRatioβ (empty)
- LongRangeOrderParameterβ (empty)
- LorenzCoefficientβ (empty)
- ThermodynamicCriticalMagneticFluxDensityβ (empty)
- ElectronAffinityβ (empty)
- EffectiveMassβ (empty)
- ElectronDensityβ (empty)
- CoherenceLengthβ (empty)
- DebyeWallerFactorβ (empty)
- ParticlePositionVectorβ (empty)
- SuperconductorEnergyGapβ (empty)
- EquilibriumPositionVectorβ (empty)
- DebyeAngularFrequencyβ (empty)
- FermiAnglularWaveNumberβ (empty)
- CurieTemperatureβ (empty)
- UpperCriticalMagneticFluxDensityβ (empty)
- DonorDensityβ (empty)
- RichardsonConstantβ (empty)
- EnergyDensityOfStatesβ (empty)
- AngularReciprocalLatticeVectorβ (empty)
- DebyeTemperatureβ (empty)
- DebyeAngularWaveNumberβ (empty)
- AcceptorDensityβ (empty)
- DensityOfVibrationalStatesβ (empty)
- MeanFreePathOfPhononsβ (empty)
- MeanFreePathOfElectronsβ (empty)
- ThomsonCoefficientβ (empty)
- HoleDensityβ (empty)
- FermiEnergyβ (empty)
- StructureFactorβ (empty)
- WorkFunctionβ (empty)
- LatticeVectorβ (empty)
- DiffusionLengthβ (empty)
- LondonPenetrationDepthβ (empty)
- HallCoefficientβ (empty)
- CarrierLifetimeβ (empty)
- SeebeckCoefficientβ (empty)
- SuperconductionTransitionTemperatureβ (empty)
- DisplacementVectorβ (empty)
- BurgersVectorβ (empty)
- GrueneisenParamterβ (empty)
- PeltierCoefficientβ (empty)
- ExchangeIntegralβ (empty)
- ShortRangeOrderParameterβ (empty)
- NeelTemperatureβ (empty)
- IonizationEnergyβ (empty)
- LowerCriticalMagneticFluxDensityβ (empty)
- FermiTemperatureβ (empty)
- ThermoelectricVoltageβ (empty)
- ThermodynamicGrueneisenParameterβ (empty)