How are Datasets Added to the BKB?
From Battery Knowledge Base
Item:OSWd09a9849e44d4e76bc2947e318b9f360 /
A short article outlining the policies of BKB for introducing new datasets.
Creative Work |
authorPerson or organizational unit that created this work.<br>Definition: Creative Work |
How are datasets added to the BKB?
type | "Category:OSW92cc6b1a2e6b4bb7bad470dfdcfdaf26" |
author | |
uuid | "d09a9849-e44d-4e76-bc29-47e318b9f360" |
label | text | "How are Datasets Added to the BKB?" |
lang | "en" |
description | |
name | "HowAreDatasetsAddedToTheBkb" |
related_to | "Category:OSWfe72974590fd4e8ba94cd4e8366375e8" |