From Battery Knowledge Base
username | "" |
type | "Category:OSWd9aa0bca9b0040d8af6f5c091bf9eec7" |
first_name | "Christian" |
surname | "Punckt" |
organization | "Item:OSW4b19780ecf9b48f48649f59999bc2cf4" |
email | "" |
phone_number | |
uuid | "670a5d82-1932-47fc-9410-f0d93060c87d" |
label | text | "Christian Punckt" |
lang | "en" |
description | text | "Christian is the Manager of POLiS - the Cluster of Excellence for Post-Li Energy Storage at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Ulm University. POLiS aims to lay the scientific and technological foundation for a new generation of post-Li electrochemical energy storage systems for stationary and mobile applications which overcome the limitations of current battery technology.
Christians further professional interests include printed electronics, materials for energy storage & conversion, electrochemistry, nanocomposites, and nanomaterials standardization. He is a member of ISO/TC229 and IEC/TC119 and TC113." |
lang | "en" |
name | "ChristianPunckt" |
organizational_unit | "Item:OSW4d722e0f0d764f6d99c9f363dbb18782" |
orcid | "0000-0003-2120-5980" |
website | |
topic | |