Property:Emmo:outgoingOverlaps /
A type declaration was detected that is incompatible with the predefined type of the imported "Emmo:outgoingOverlaps" vocabulary. In general, it is not necessary to declare a type because information are retrieved from the import definition.
rdf_type | "owl:ObjectProperty" |
"owl:IrreflexiveProperty" |
"owl:AsymmetricProperty" |
uuid | "c5b4c32b-74de-403d-96f2-266bec8bd0e8" |
iri | "emmo:EMMO_c5b4c32b_74de_403d_96f2_266bec8bd0e8" |
name | "outgoingOverlaps" |
label | text | "outgoingOverlaps" |
lang | "en" |
meta | uuid | "cb2a293f-036b-4328-bbba-2549ad39d62f" |
wiki_page | title | "emmo:outgoingOverlaps" |
namespace | "Property" |
change_id | "4caad4a3-8d2d-4691-8196-627860411931" |
imported_from | "emmo:EMMO_c5b4c32b_74de_403d_96f2_266bec8bd0e8" |
property_type | "Page" |
subproperty_of | "Property:emmo:properOverlaps" |
type | "Category:ObjectProperty" |
range | "Category:OSWeb3a768ed53e4be9a23b0714833c36de" |