Object property | |
ID | ObjectProperty |
UUID | c1ffbdc5-628d-4192-a9d0-3d608dac31a8 |
Label | Object property |
Machine compatible name | ObjectProperty |
Statements (outgoing) | |
Statements (incoming) | |
type |
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subclass_of |
| ||||||||||
uuid | "c1ffbdc5-628d-4192-a9d0-3d608dac31a8" | ||||||||||
label |
| ||||||||||
description |
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utf8_icon |
| ||||||||||
name | "ObjectProperty" |
@context |
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allOf |
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type | "object" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
uuid | "c1ffbdc5-628d-4192-a9d0-3d608dac31a8" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
title | "ObjectProperty" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
title* |
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description | "The named relation between a subject and an object" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
description* |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
required |
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defaultProperties |
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properties |
Pages in category "Object property"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 274 total.
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- hasAccessConditions
- hasBeginCharacterisationTask
- hasBPMNDiagram
- hasCharacterisationComponent
- hasCharacterisationEnvironment
- hasCharacterisationEnvironmentProperty
- hasCharacterisationInput
- hasCharacterisationMeasurementInstrument
- hasCharacterisationOutput
- hasCharacterisationProcedureValidation
- hasCharacterisationProperty
- hasCharacterisationSoftware
- hasCharacterisationTask
- hasDataAcquisitionRate
- hasDataProcessingThroughCalibration
- hasDataQuality
- hasDataset
- hasEndCharacterisationTask
- hasHardwareSpecification
- hasHazard
- hasHolder
- hasInstrumentForCalibration
- hasInteractionVolume
- hasInteractionWithProbe
- hasInteractionWithSample
- hasLab
- hasLevelOfAutomation
- hasMeasurementDetector
- hasMeasurementParameter
- hasMeasurementProbe
- hasMeasurementSample
- hasMeasurementTime
- hasOperator
- hasPeerReviewedArticle
- hasPhysicsOfInteraction
- hasPostProcessingModel
- hasProcessingReproducibility
- hasReferenceSample
- hasSampleBeforeSamplePreparation
- hasSampledSample
- hasSampleForInspection
- hasSampleInspectionInstrument
- hasSampleInspectionParameter
- hasSamplePreparationInstrument
- hasSamplePreparationParameter
- rationaleHasCharacterisationProcedure
- rationaleHasUserCase
- requiresLevelOfExpertise
- hasActiveMaterial
- hasAdditive
- hasAnolyte
- hasBinder
- hasCase
- hasCatholyte
- hasCoating
- hasConductiveAdditive
- hasCounterElectrode
- hasCurrentCollector
- hasElectrode
- hasElectrolyte
- hasFormFactor
- hasInsertedEntity
- hasNegativeElectrode
- hasPositiveElectrode
- hasReferenceElectrode
- hasSeparator
- hasSolute
- hasSolvent
- hasWorkingElectrode
- affects
- alongsideWith
- causal
- coexistsWith
- contacts
- contributesTo
- directlyCausedBye
- directlyCauses
- eMMORelation
- equalsTo
- follows
- foreruns
- generates
- gets
- hasAgent
- hasBeginTask
- hasBeginTile
- hasBehaviour
- hasCharacterised
- hasCharacteriser
- hasChemicalSymbol
- hasCognised
- hasCogniser
- hasComponent
- hasConstituent
- hasConstitutiveProcess
- hasConvention
- hasConventionalProperty
- hasDatum
- hasDeclared
- hasDeclarer
- hasDeduced
- hasDeducer
- hasDescription
- hasDirectPart
- hasDistinctPart
- hasEndTask
- hasEndTile
- hasFragment
- hasIcon
- hasIndex
- hasInput
- hasInternalRepresentation
- hasInterpretant
- hasInterpreter
- hasInterval
- hasIterativeTask
- hasJunctionPart
- hasJunctionTile
- hasManufacturedOutput
- hasMeasuredProperty
- hasMeasurementUnit
- hasMember
- hasMetricPrefix
- hasMetrologicalReference
- hasMetrologicalUncertainty
- hasModel
- hasModelledProperty
- hasMultipleMembers
- hasNonTemporalPart
- hasNumericalPart
- hasObjectInput
- hasObjectiveProperty
- hasObjectOutput
- hasOutput
- hasPart
- hasParticipant
- hasPiece
- hasPortion
- hasPortionPart
- hasProcessInput
- hasProcessOutput
- hasProductOutput
- hasProperPart
- hasProperty
- hasQualifiedRole
- hasQuantity
- hasRedundantPart
- hasReferencePart
- hasReferent
- hasResourceIdentifier
- hasRole
- hasSerialTask
- hasServiceOutput
- hasSign
- hasSingleMember
- hasSpatialPart
- hasSpatialTile
- hasSpatioTemporalTile
- hasStage
- hasStatus
- hasSubObject
- hasSubProcess
- hasTask
- hasTaskTile
- hasTemporalPart
- hasTemporalTile
- hasTile
- hasUnitNonPrefixPart
- hasUnitSymbol
- hasVariable
- incomingOverlaps
- indirectlyCausedBy
- indirectlyCauses
- influences
- interprets
- isAddedTo
- isAffectedBy
- isAfter
- isBefore
- isCausedBy
- isCauseOf
- isChemicalSymbolFor
- isCognisedBy
- isCogniserFor
- isContributedBy
- isConventionFor
- isDeclaredBy
- isDeclarerFor
- isDeducedBy
- isDeducerFor
- isDescriptionFor
- isDirectPartOf
- isDistinctPartOf
- isFragmentOf
- isGeneratedBy
- isIconFor