Category:OSW7b6be98f59934e0f900b005395abf981 /
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uuid | "7b6be98f-5993-4e0f-900b-005395abf981" |
label | text | "Battery Material Type" |
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name | "BatteryMaterialType" |
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uuid | "7b6be98f-5993-4e0f-900b-005395abf981" |
title | "BatteryMaterialType" |
title* | en | "Battery Material Type" |
description | "" |
description* | |
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properties | type | default | "Category:OSW7b6be98f59934e0f900b005395abf981" |
kit_id | title | "ID" |
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description | "Column 'ProdID' in the KIT excel sheet" |
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$comment | "MetaKitCharacteristic and AbstractKitCharacteristicCategory" |
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subclassof_range | "Category:OSWf50ba030bbb743b196e1739fb67d6862" |
This category currently contains no pages or media.