type | |
subclass_of | "Category:OSW31ca9a739cb24079b36824045c0832aa" |
utf8_icon | |
uuid | "0583b134-c618-484c-9911-a3dff145c7eb" |
name | "ChemicalCompound" |
label | text | "Chemical compound" |
lang | "en" |
text | "Chemische Verbindung" |
lang | "de" |
description | text | "Chemical substance composed of many identical molecules" |
lang | "en" |
@context | "/wiki/Category:OSW31ca9a739cb24079b36824045c0832aa?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
pubchem_cid | "Property:HasPubchemId" |
allOf | $ref | "/wiki/Category:OSW31ca9a739cb24079b36824045c0832aa?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
type | "object" |
uuid | "0583b134-c618-484c-9911-a3dff145c7eb" |
title | "ChemicalCompound" |
title* | en | "Chemical compound" |
de | "Chemische Verbindung" |
data_source_maps | id | "" |
source | "{{pubchem_cid}}/JSON" |
label | "PubChem" |
required | |
object_map | cas_numbers | "$..[?(@.TOCHeading=='CAS')].Information..Value.StringWithMarkup..String" |
properties | pubchem_cid | title | "PubChem CID" |
type | "string" |
options | |
eval_template | type | "mustache-wikitext" |
mode | "render" |
value | "[{{pubchem_cid}} {{pubchem_cid}}]" |
cas_numbers | type | "array" |
title | "CAS Number(s)" |
title* | |
items | type | "string" |
title | "CAS" |
title* | |
type | default | "Category:OSW0583b134c618484c9911a3dff145c7eb" |
description | "Chemical substance composed of many identical molecules" |
description* | en | "Chemical substance composed of many identical molecules" |
required | |
This category currently contains no pages or media.