subclass_of | |
type | |
uuid | "44deaa5b-806d-41a2-a885-94f562b110e9" |
label | |
description | text | "Category for a person in general. Subcategories are e.g. 'User', i.e. persons who have a user ID." |
lang | "en" |
text | "Kategorie für eine Person im Allgemeinen. Unterkategorien sind bsp. 'User', also Personen die über eine Nutzerkennung verfügen." |
lang | "de" |
short_name | |
name | "Person" |
instance_rdf_type | |
@context | competence | @id | "schema:knowsAbout" |
@type | "@id" |
competence* | @id | "Property:HasCompetence" |
@type | "@id" |
email | @id | "schema:email" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
email* | @id | "Property:HasEmail" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
fax_number | @id | "schema:faxNumber" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
fax_number* | @id | "Property:HasFaxNumber" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
first_name | @id | "schema:givenName" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
first_name* | @id | "Property:HasFirstName" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
located_in | @id | "schema:workLocation" |
@type | "@id" |
located_in* | @id | "Property:IsLocatedIn" |
@type | "@id" |
middle_name | @id | "schema:additionalName" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
middle_name* | @id | "Property:HasMiddleName" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
orcid | @id | "schema:identifier" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
orcid* | @id | "Property:HasOrcidId" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
organization | @id | "schema:worksFor" |
@type | "@id" |
organization* | @id | "Property:HasOrganization" |
@type | "@id" |
organizational_unit | @id | "schema:memberOf" |
@type | "@id" |
organizational_unit* | @id | "Property:HasOu" |
@type | "@id" |
phone_number | @id | "schema:telephone" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
phone_number* | @id | "Property:HasPhoneNumber" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
role | @id | "schema:jobTitle" |
@type | "@id" |
role* | @id | "Property:HasRole" |
@type | "@id" |
surname | @id | "schema:familyName" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
surname* | @id | "Property:HasSurname" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
topic | @id | "schema:knowsAbout" |
@type | "@id" |
topic* | @id | "Property:HasTopic" |
@type | "@id" |
website | @id | "schema:subjectOf" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
website* | @id | "Property:HasWebsite" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
"/wiki/Category:Item?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
allOf | $ref | "/wiki/Category:Item?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
title | "Person" |
title* | |
type | "object" |
uuid | "44deaa5b-806d-41a2-a885-94f562b110e9" |
description | "Category for a person in general. Subcategories are e.g. 'User', i.e. persons who have a user ID." |
description* | en | "Category for a person in general. Subcategories are e.g. 'User', i.e. persons who have a user ID." |
de | "Kategorie für eine Person im Allgemeinen. Unterkategorien sind bsp. 'User', also Personen die über eine Nutzerkennung verfügen." |
defaultProperties | "first_name" |
"surname" |
"organization" |
"email" |
"phone_number" |
required | "first_name" |
"surname" |
"type" |
properties | type | default | "Category:OSW44deaa5b806d41a2a88594f562b110e9" |
first_name | title | "First name / Given name / Forename" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
propertyOrder | -3 |
middle_name | title | "Middle name(s)" |
title* | |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | |
uniqueItems | true |
propertyOrder | -2 |
surname | title | "Last name / Family name / Surname" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
propertyOrder | -1 |
label | items | title | "Display name" |
title* | |
properties | text | watch | first_name | "root.first_name" |
middle_name | "root.middle_name" |
surname | "root.surname" |
readonly | true |
dynamic_template | "{{first_name}}{{#each middle_name}} {{.}}{{/each}}{{#if surname}} {{{surname}}}{{/if}}" |
lang | |
options | |
organization | title | "Organization" |
title* | |
description | "Organization(s) the person is affiliated with. E.g., university, research institute, company, etc." |
description* | de | "Organisation(en), derer die Person Mitglied ist. Z.B. Universität, Forschungsinstitut, Unternehmen, etc." |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | type | "string" |
title | "Organization" |
title* | |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW3cb8cef2225e403092f098f99bc4c472" |
uniqueItems | true |
organizational_unit | title | "Organizational (sub)unit" |
title* | de | "Organisations(unter)einheit" |
description | "Organizational (sub)unit(s) the person is member of. E.g., faculty, institute, department or research group, etc." |
description* | de | "Organisations(unter)einheit(en), derer die Person Mitglied ist. Z.B. Fakultät, Institut, Abteilung oder Forschungsgruppe, etc." |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | type | "string" |
title | "Organizational unit" |
title* | |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSWfe3e842b804445c7bb0dd8ee61da2d70" |
uniqueItems | true |
email | title | "Email address" |
title* | |
eval_template | type | "mustache-wikitext" |
mode | "render" |
value | "{{#email}}[mailto:{{.}} {{.}}] <br>{{/email}}" |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "Email" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "email" |
uniqueItems | true |
website | title | "Website" |
title* | |
eval_template | type | "mustache-wikitext" |
mode | "render" |
value | "{{#website}}{{{.}}} <br>{{/website}}" |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "URL" |
type | "string" |
format | "uri" |
uniqueItems | true |
orcid | title | "ORCID iD" |
title* | |
description | "The ORCID iD is an https URI with a 16-digit number, e.g.," |
description* | de | "Die ORCID iD ist eine https URI mit einer 16-stelligen Nummer, z. B." |
type | "string" |
format | "uri" |
phone_number | title | "Phone number" |
title* | |
description | "Phone number formatted with country code and hyphens, e.g.. +49-931-4100-172. According to" |
description* | de | "Telefonnummer mit Landesvorwahl und Bindestrichen formatiert, z.B.. +49-931-4100-172. Entsprechend" |
eval_template | type | "mustache-wikitext" |
mode | "render" |
value | "{{#phone_number}}[tel:{{.}} {{.}}] <br>{{/phone_number}}" |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "Phone" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
pattern | "(?:(?:(?:\+|00|011)[\.\/\-\ \t]*([17]|2(?:[07]|[1-689]\d)|3(?:[0-4679]|[578]\d)|4(?:[013-9]|2\d)|5(?:[1-8]|[09]\d)|6(?:[0-6]|[789]\d)|8(?:[1246]|[035789]\d)|9(?:[0-58]|[679]\d))[\.\/\-\ \t]*|([17])[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:\((\d{1,6})\)[\.\/\-\ \t]*)?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(\d{0,10}?)(\d{1,})(?:[\.\/\-;\ \t]*e?xt?[\.\/\-=\ \t]*(\d{1,14}))?)?" |
uniqueItems | true |
fax_number | title | "Fax number" |
title* | |
description | "Fax number formatted with country code and hyphens, e.g.. +49-931-4100-172. According to" |
description* | de | "Faxnummer mit Landesvorwahl und Bindestrichen formatiert, z.B.. +49-931-4100-172. Entsprechend" |
eval_template | type | "mustache-wikitext" |
mode | "render" |
value | "{{#fax_number}}[tel:{{.}} {{.}}] <br>{{/fax_number}}" |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "Fax" |
type | "string" |
pattern | "(?:(?:(?:\+|00|011)[\.\/\-\ \t]*([17]|2(?:[07]|[1-689]\d)|3(?:[0-4679]|[578]\d)|4(?:[013-9]|2\d)|5(?:[1-8]|[09]\d)|6(?:[0-6]|[789]\d)|8(?:[1246]|[035789]\d)|9(?:[0-58]|[679]\d))[\.\/\-\ \t]*|([17])[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:\((\d{1,6})\)[\.\/\-\ \t]*)?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\/\-\ ])?(\d{0,10}?)(\d{1,})(?:[\.\/\-;\ \t]*e?xt?[\.\/\-=\ \t]*(\d{1,14}))?)?" |
uniqueItems | true |
located_in | title | "Located at " |
title* | |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | type | "string" |
title | "Location" |
title* | |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW473d7a1ed48544d1be83b258b5810948" |
uniqueItems | true |
role | title | "Roles" |
title* | |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "Role" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW5efde23b1d8c4e1c864ef039cb0616ed" |
uniqueItems | true |
competence | title | "Competences" |
title* | |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "Competence" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW5eb9c52b804544dc870dfd54ff434428" |
uniqueItems | true |
topic | title | "Topics" |
title* | |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "Topic" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW5a13eeda5ed5405ea7ef62ea6feeceec" |
uniqueItems | true |
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Person"
This category contains only the following page.