subclass_of | "Category:OSW1969007d5acf40539642877659a02c23" |
type | |
uuid | "789dcd08-4860-478d-bc60-361a2da7c823" |
label | text | "Research Organization" |
lang | "en" |
text | "Forschungsorganisation" |
lang | "de" |
description | text | "A Research Organization (e.g. scientific institute, research company)." |
lang | "en" |
text | "Eine Forschungsorganisation (z. B. ein wissenschaftliches Institut, ein Forschungsunternehmen)." |
lang | "de" |
instance_rdf_type | "schema:ResearchOrganization" |
name | "ResearchOrganization" |
@context | "/wiki/Category:OSW1969007d5acf40539642877659a02c23?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
allOf | $ref | "/wiki/Category:OSW1969007d5acf40539642877659a02c23?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
type | "object" |
uuid | "789dcd08-4860-478d-bc60-361a2da7c823" |
title | "ResearchOrganization" |
title* | en | "Research Organization" |
de | "Forschungsorganisation" |
description | "A Research Organization (e.g. scientific institute, research company)." |
description* | en | "A Research Organization (e.g. scientific institute, research company)." |
de | "Eine Forschungsorganisation (z. B. ein wissenschaftliches Institut, ein Forschungsunternehmen)." |
required | |
properties | type | default | "Category:OSW789dcd084860478dbc60361a2da7c823" |
Pages in category "Research Organization"
The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total.