subclass_of | |
type | |
uuid | "b97757b4-6edb-4305-9175-8662c18d354d" |
label | |
description | text | "Something that happens or takes place, esp. something significant or noteworthy; an incident, an occurrence (according to Oxford English Dictionary)." |
lang | "en" |
text | "Etwas, das geschieht oder stattfindet, insbesondere etwas Bedeutendes oder Bemerkenswertes; ein Ereignis, ein Vorfall." |
lang | "de" |
name | "Event" |
@context | duration | @id | "Property:HasDuration" |
duration* | |
end_date | @id | "Property:HasEndDate" |
@type | "xs:date" |
end_date* | @id | "schema:endDate" |
@type | "xs:date" |
end_date_time | @id | "Property:HasEndDateAndTime" |
@type | "xs:dateTime" |
end_date_time* | @id | "schema:endDate" |
@type | "xs:dateTime" |
start_date | @id | "Property:HasStartDate" |
@type | "xs:date" |
start_date* | @id | "schema:startDate" |
@type | "xs:date" |
start_date_time | @id | "Property:HasStartDateAndTime" |
@type | "xs:dateTime" |
start_date_time* | @id | "schema:startDate" |
@type | "xs:dateTime" |
"/wiki/Category:Item?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
allOf | $ref | "/wiki/Category:Item?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
type | "object" |
uuid | "b97757b4-6edb-4305-9175-8662c18d354d" |
title | "Event" |
title* | |
description | "Something that happens or takes place, esp. something significant or noteworthy; an incident, an occurrence (according to Oxford English Dictionary)." |
description* | en | "Something that happens or takes place, esp. something significant or noteworthy; an incident, an occurrence (according to Oxford English Dictionary)." |
de | "Etwas, das geschieht oder stattfindet, insbesondere etwas Bedeutendes oder Bemerkenswertes; ein Ereignis, ein Vorfall." |
required | |
properties | type | default | "Category:OSWb97757b46edb430591758662c18d354d" |
start_date | allOf | $ref | "/wiki/JsonSchema:StartDate?action=raw" |
start_date_time | allOf | $ref | "/wiki/JsonSchema:StartDateTime?action=raw" |
end_date | allOf | $ref | "/wiki/JsonSchema:EndDate?action=raw" |
end_date_time | allOf | $ref | "/wiki/JsonSchema:EndDateTime?action=raw" |
duration | title | "Duration" |
title* | |
allOf | $ref | "/wiki/JsonSchema:Duration?action=raw" |
This category has only the following subcategory.