rdf_type | |
uuid | "f2ca6dd0-0e5f-4392-a92d-cafdae6cfc95" |
iri | "" |
name | "SIExactConstant" |
label | text | "SIExactConstant" |
lang | "en" |
description | text | "Physical constant that by definition (after the latest revision of the SI system that was enforsed May 2019) has a known exact numerical value when expressed in SI units." |
lang | "en" |
meta | uuid | "1fe5cd95-0b6e-4455-8bc0-cd385ba234a3" |
wiki_page | title | "OSWf2ca6dd00e5f4392a92dcafdae6cfc95" |
namespace | "Category" |
change_id | "4caad4a3-8d2d-4691-8196-627860411931" |
type | "Category:OSW57beed5e1294434ba77bb6516e461456" |
subclass_of | "Category:OSW8976296680764f7cb745f718d653e8e2" |
metaclass | "Category:OSW57beed5e1294434ba77bb6516e461456" |
ontologies | "Item:OSW4cccbca467e050efaaea2f78ccc077b6" |
imported_from | "emmo:EMMO_f2ca6dd0_0e5f_4392_a92d_cafdae6cfc95" |
This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.