ElectROBatt 2024

From Battery Knowledge Base
ElectROBatt 2024
ID OSW0f66e8aba73d4485b714b42dc39b4893
UUID 0f66e8ab-a73d-4485-b714-b42dc39b4893
Label ElectROBatt 2024
Machine compatible name ElectROBatt
Statements (outgoing)
Statements (incoming)
Keywords conference


The ElectRoBatt 2024 conference inspire researchers interested in the field of electrochemistry of batteries for energy storage applications, to explore the latest advancements, exchange knowledge and experiences regarding the recent trend, and forge meaningful connections with peers and thought leaders from around the world.

Type(s)/Category(s) Event
Event series
Start date 2024-10-31
End date 2024-11-01
Location Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest
URL https://electrobatt.eu/
Organizer ICSI, UCLouvain
Minutes taker
Associated OU(s)

ElectROBatt 2024 is an international conference focusing on cutting-edge research in battery and energy storage technologies. It brings together researchers, industry professionals, and stakeholders to discuss advancements in battery electrochemistry, energy storage, and related systems.

About the Event

The conference covers a wide range of topics including battery materials, multivalent technologies, manufacturing challenges, and system integration. The event encourages collaboration and networking among experts to foster innovative solutions in the energy storage domain.

More details: https://electrobatt.eu


October 31, 2024

You can click on the (blue and underlined) sections to open the slides of the presentation.

Start End Session Speaker (Affiliation)
08:00 08:30 Registration All
08:30 08:40 Opening Remarks -
08:40 09:30 Panel Discussion Johan Blondelle, Adrian Curaj, Tudor Prisecaru, Sebastian Burduja, Mihai Varlam
09:30 10:00 Entropy Designed Electrodes and Electrolytes Patrik Johansson
10:00 10:30 Coffee Break All
10:30 11:00 Beyond Li: Na and K battery anodes Magda Titirici
11:00 11:15 Niobium Pentoxide as High-Power Lithium-Ion Anode Material Xilai Xue
11:15 11:30 Potassium batteries with lignin-derived stable anodes Sofia Raviolo
11:30 12:00 Hard carbons for Na-ion batteries Camélia Matei Ghimbeu
12:00 12:15 Nano-porosity in Silicon-dominant Anodes Vanesa Ruiz
12:15 12:30 Tin-Carbon Composites for Sodium-Ion Battery Anode Applications Nihat Fatih Kayacioglu
12:30 14:00 Lunch Break & Poster Session All
14:00 14:30 High capacity organic cathodes for Li-ion batteries Mircea Dincă
14:30 14:45 Organic Electrode Performance in Li and Mg Batteries Olivera Lužanin
14:45 15:00 Coordination polymers as cathodes for sodium-ion batteries Catarina Ribeiro
15:00 15:30 Redox tuning in carboxyphenolate-based organic electrode materials Philippe Poizot
15:30 16:00 Coffee Break All
16:00 16:30 Nickel-Rich Cathode/Sulfide Solid-State Electrolyte Interface Aishui Yu
16:30 16:45 Multivalent Electrolytes for Alkoxyborate and Alkoxyaluminate Salts Jan Bitenc
16:45 17:00 Metal-Organic Frameworks for Anode-Less Na-ion Batteries M.Á. Muñoz-Márquez
17:00 17:15 Hybridization of Li-ion and Supercapacitor Technologies Yuriy Maletin
17:15 17:30 Closing Day 1 All
19:00 - Gala Dinner All

November 1, 2024

You can click on the (blue and underlined) sections to open the slides of the presentation.

Start End Session Speaker (Affiliation)
08:30 08:45 The chemistry Europe Journals and publishing Open Access Rosalba A. Rincón
08:45 09:15 Battery manufacturing: from digital models to digital twins Alejandro A. Franco
09:15 09:30 Evolution of Li-metal electrodes analyzed via clustering data mining methods Ziyuan Lyu
09:30 09:45 Tailoring Cathode Materials: Innovative Hybrid High Voltage Electrodes Daniele Versaci
09:45 10:15 Coffee Break All
10:15 10:45 Application of Smart Functionalities in Batteries Robert Dominko
10:45 11:00 Molecular-based conductive active material for metal-ion batteries Manon MIGNON
11:00 11:15 Functional binders to address transition metal dissolution in LNMO cathode materials Charifa Hakim
11:15 11:45 Interface and interphase in Calcium and Magnesium Metal Anode Batteries Alexandre Ponrouch
11:45 12:00 Solvent-free extrusion of polymer electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries Florian Leveille
12:00 12:15 Sponsors - ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC All
12:15 13:45 Lunch Break and Poster Session All
13:45 14:00 Sponsors - BioLogic All
14:00 14:15 Sponsors - Metrohm Romania All
14:15 14:30 Novel single-ion conducting polymer electrolyte for lithium-metal batteries Wenbo Wang
14:30 14:45 Investigation of Volatile Electrolyte Decomposition Products with Operando GCMS for Lithium-Ion Batteries Jurgen Kahr
14:45 15:00 Investigation of organic electrode reactivity mechanism by TEM and operando XR Maxandre Caroff
15:00 15:30 The Digital Edge: How Data Drives Battery Breakthroughs Simon Clark
15:30 16:00 Coffee Break All
16:00 16:30 Towards greener energy storage solutions: biorenewable organogels for Li-O2 batteries Julia Amici
16:30 16:45 Recycle plastic waste for the application energy storage Xuecheng Chen
16:45 17:00 High voltage spinel oxide as cathode material for Li-ion batteries Roberto Colombo
17:00 17:30 Closing CEREMONY All


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    text"The ElectRoBatt 2024 conference inspire researchers interested in the field of electrochemistry of batteries for energy storage applications, to explore the latest advancements, exchange knowledge and experiences regarding the recent trend, and forge meaningful connections with peers and thought leaders from around the world."
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