Post Lithium Storage Cluster of Excellence
From Battery Knowledge Base
type | "Category:OSW3d238d05316e45a4ac95a11d7b24e36b" |
uuid | "6528ab12-c070-4044-88e3-0e567ae8f729" |
label | text | "Post Lithium Storage Cluster of Excellence" |
lang | "en" |
gps_coordinates | uuid | "53cc1f36-901f-4e5c-b124-1d345ccb3f1e" |
latitude | 0 |
longitude | 0 |
postal_address | uuid | "917a6fea-aa16-4944-9bb4-fb1334a73872" |
street_name | "Lise-Meitner-Street" |
house_no | "16" |
postal_code | "" |
city | "Item:OSW0e3c433b378143feb5e6a8137f085bde" |
city_name | "" |
country | "Item:OSWcd924bef6f244adfb3efb0b72fbdae31" |
country_name | "" |
address_supplement | "" |
state | "" |
region | "" |
post_office_box_no | "" |
description | text | "In the Cluster of Excellence POLiS, we are researching batteries of the future that are more powerful, more reliable, more sustainable and more environmentally friendly than current lithium-ion batteries. POLiS is a joint cluster of KIT and the Ulm University with the associated partners JLU and ZSW." |
lang | "en" |
short_name | |
name | "PostLithiumStorageClusterOfExcellence" |