Property:elucidation (Emmo:elucidation)
From Battery Knowledge Base
The property contains the following errors or warnings:
- Only pages in namespace "Property" are allowed here.
rdf_type | |
uuid | "967080e5-2f42-4eb2-a3a9-c58143e835f9" |
iri | "" |
name | "elucidation" |
label | text | "elucidation" |
lang | "en" |
description | text | "Short enlightening explanation aimed to facilitate the user in drawing the connection (interpretation) between a OWL entity and the real world object(s) for which it stands." |
lang | "en" |
meta | uuid | "73675d10-a6c1-4f06-b3e6-cf025c83bff1" |
wiki_page | title | "emmo:elucidation" |
namespace | "Property" |
change_id | "4caad4a3-8d2d-4691-8196-627860411931" |
imported_from | "emmo:EMMO_967080e5_2f42_4eb2_a3a9_c58143e835f9" |
property_type | "Text" |
subproperty_of | "Item:OSW4dea04fbb4d85d77b75d84cddc0ccd0d" |
type | "Category:AnnotationProperty" |