Property:Schema definition

From Battery Knowledge Base
Showing 3 pages using this property.
{ "type": "FACETEDSEARCH_PROFILE_SCHEMA", "profiles": { "default_profile": { "message_key": "smw-facetedsearch-profile-label-default", "debug_output": false, "theme": "default-theme", "result": { "default_limit": 50, "paging_limit": [ 10, 20, 50, 250, 500 ] }, "filters": { "property_filter": { "hierarchy_tree": false, "filter_input": { "min_item": 10 } }, "category_filter": { "hierarchy_tree": false, "filter_input": { "min_item": 10 } }, "value_filter": { "default_filter": "list_filter", "condition_field": false, "filter_input": { "min_item": 10 } } } } }, "tags": [ "faceted search" ] }
{ "type": "PROPERTY_GROUP_SCHEMA", "groups": { "schema_group": { "canonical_name": "Schema properties", "message_key": "smw-property-group-label-schema-group", "property_keys": [ "_SCHEMA_TYPE", "_SCHEMA_DEF", "_SCHEMA_DESC", "_SCHEMA_TAG", "_SCHEMA_LINK", "_FORMAT_SCHEMA", "_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "_PROFILE_SCHEMA" ] } }, "tags": [ "group", "property group" ] }
{ "type": "PROPERTY_GROUP_SCHEMA", "groups": { "administrative_group": { "canonical_name": "Administrative properties", "message_key": "smw-property-group-label-administrative-properties", "property_keys": [ "_MDAT", "_CDAT", "_NEWP", "_LEDT", "_DTITLE", "_CHGPRO", "_EDIP", "_ERRC" ] }, "classification_group": { "canonical_name": "Classification properties", "message_key": "smw-property-group-label-classification-properties", "property_keys": [ "_INST", "_PPGR", "_SUBP", "_SUBC" ] }, "content_group": { "canonical_name": "Content properties", "message_key": "smw-property-group-label-content-properties", "property_keys": [ "_SOBJ", "_ASK", "_MEDIA", "_MIME", "_ATTCH_LINK", "_FILE_ATTCH", "_CONT_TYPE", "_CONT_AUTHOR", "_CONT_LEN", "_CONT_LANG", "_CONT_TITLE", "_CONT_DATE", "_CONT_KEYW", "_TRANS", "_TRANS_SOURCE", "_TRANS_GROUP" ] }, "declarative_group": { "canonical_name": "Declarative properties", "message_key": "smw-property-group-label-declarative-properties", "property_keys": [ "_TYPE", "_UNIT", "_IMPO", "_CONV", "_SERV", "_PVAL", "_LIST", "_PREC", "_PDESC", "_PPLB", "_PVAP", "_PVALI", "_PVUC", "_PEID", "_PEFU" ] } }, "tags": [ "group", "property group" ] }
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