
Showing 20 pages using this property.
chemicalcompositionactivematerial  +
Chemical purity  +
chemicalpurity  +
Chemical compound  +
Chemical substance composed of many identical molecules  +
Chemische Verbindung  +
chemicalcompound  +
chemischeverbindung  +
An instance of the Electrochemistry and Energy Storage Lecture Series featuring Prof. Kelsey Hatzell  +
Chemo-mechanical Challenges in Solid State Cathodes  +
chemomechanicalchallengesinsolidstatecathodes  +
A country in Asia  +
China  +
china  +
Christian Punckt  +
Christian is the Manager of POLiS - the Cluster of Excellence for Post-Li Energy Storage at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Ulm University. POLiS aims to lay the scientific and technological foundation for a new generation of post-Li electrochemical energy storage systems for stationary and mobile applications which overcome the limitations of current battery technology. Christians further professional interests include printed electronics, materials for energy storage & conversion, electrochemistry, nanocomposites, and nanomaterials standardization. He is a member of ISO/TC229 and IEC/TC119 and TC113.  +
christianpunckt  +
phonenumber  +
Chromatic white light sensor  +
chromaticwhitelightsensor  +