Battery 2030+

Battery 2030+ [OSW6499d04ced9649f8bbc50f1e940a50c8]
ID OSW6499d04ced9649f8bbc50f1e940a50c8
UUID 6499d04c-ed96-49f8-bbc5-0f1e940a50c8
Label Battery 2030+
Machine compatible name Battery2030Csa3
Ontology equivalents
Statements (outgoing)
Statements (incoming)


A CSA for EU-funded battery research projects

Type(s)/Category(s) Project
Type Public
Funding call
Grant ID
Start 2018-12-01
End 2026-08-31
Budget 0.0e+0
Project manager
Member CIDETEC Foundation, SINTEF, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Simon Stier, Lukas Gold, Simon Clark, Philipp Veit, Eibar Flores, Elixabete Ayerbe, Christian Punckt, Samson Yuxiu Lai, Inger-Emma Nylund


Recognising the significance of batteries for renewable energy sources and electric vehicles, initiatives like BATTERY 2030+ and CSA3 are advocating for enhanced collaboration and innovation. The EU-funded B2030 CSA3 project will build upon the achievements of BATTERY 2030+ and expand its impact. The project seeks to oversee and implement ongoing research endeavours, identify opportunities to expedite research progress, update the BATTERY 2030+ roadmap, strengthen coordination and collaboration with other EU initiatives, and contribute to the enhancement of European battery education programmes. The overarching goal of the BATTERY 2030+ initiative is to develop advanced batteries for diverse industries and bolster Europe’s leadership position in both current and emerging markets.


CSA1 March 2019–May 2020 to prepare Roadmap Version 1 (H2020-FETPROACT-2019-01)

CSA2 Sep 2020–Aug 2023 (Horizon 2020 LC-BAT-15-2020)

CSA3 Sep 2023–Aug 2026 (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-08)



Research Areas


Phase 1:

Name Topic Start Date End Date Call
BIG-MAP Battery Interface Genome - Material Acceleration Plattform 1 September 2020 29 February 2024 Horizon 2020 LC-BAT-12-2020
HIDDEN Self-Healing 1 September 2020 29 February 2024 Horizon 2020 LC-BAT-14-2020
Bat4Ever Self-Healing 1 September 2020 29 February 2024 Horizon 2020 LC-BAT-14-2020
INSTABAT Sensing 1 September 2020 31 December 2023 Horizon 2020 LC-BAT-13-2020
SENSIBAT Sensing 1 September 2020 31 December 2023 Horizon 2020 LC-BAT-13-2020
SPARTACUS Sensing 1 September 2020 29 February 2024 Horizon 2020 LC-BAT-13-2020

Phase 2:

Name Topic Start Date End Date Call
OPERA Interface and Electron 1 June 2023 31 May 2026 HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-02
OPINCHARGE Interface and Electron 1 June 2023 31 May 2026 HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-02
UltraBat Interface and Electron 1 September 2023 31 August 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-02
PHOENIX Sensing and Self-Healing 1 May 2023 30 April 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-06
SALAMANDER Sensing and Self-Healing 1 May 2023 30 April 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-06
HEALING BAT Sensing and Self-Healing 1 June 2023 31 May 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2022-D2-01-06

Phase 3:

Name Topic Start Date End Date Call
BatCAT Digital Twins 11 March 2024 30 June 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-03
BATTwin Digital Twins 1 December 2023 31 May 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-03
RENOVATE Recyclability 1 February 2024 31 January 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-02
ReUse Recyclability 1 February 2024 31 January 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-02
REVITALISE Recyclability 1 December 2023 30 November 2026 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-02
CICERO Raw materials and material flow 1 November 2023 31 October 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-01
STREAMS Raw materials and material flow 1 February 2024 1 February 2024 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-01
Li4LIFE Raw materials and material flow 15 May 2024 14 May 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-01

Phase 4:

Name Topic Start Date End Date Call
SAFELOOP Safety of Gen 3 Li-Ion 6 June 2024 5 June 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-02-02
INERRANT Safety of Gen 3 Li-Ion 15 May 2024 14 May 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-02-02
SAGELi Safety of Gen 3 Li-Ion 2024 2027 HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-02-02

Phase 5:

Name Topic Start Date End Date Call
Tba End-of-Life (EoL) battery recycling 01-05.2025 HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01-01
Tba End-of-Life (EoL) battery recycling 01-05.2025 HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01-01
Tba End-of-Life (EoL) battery recycling 01-05.2025 HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01-01
Tba Circularity 01-05.2025 HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01-03
Tba Materials acceleration platform 01-05.2025 HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01-05

Phase 6:

Name Topic Start Date End Date Call
Tba Manufacturability of Post Li-ion technologies 05-08.2025 HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-02-02
Tba Manufacturability of Post Li-ion technologies 05-08.2025 HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-02-02
Tba Manufacturability of Post Li-ion technologies 05-08.2025 HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-02-02

Phase 7:

Name Topic Start Date End Date Call
Tba 2026 HORIZON-Europe Work Programme 2025

Phase 8:

Name Topic Start Date End Date Call
Tba 2027/2028 HORIZON-Europe Work Programme 2026/2027
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funding_name"Horizon Europe Grant number No. 101104022"
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abstract"Recognising the significance of batteries for renewable energy sources and electric vehicles, initiatives like BATTERY 2030+ and CSA3 are advocating for enhanced collaboration and innovation. The EU-funded B2030 CSA3 project will build upon the achievements of BATTERY 2030+ and expand its impact. The project seeks to oversee and implement ongoing research endeavours, identify opportunities to expedite research progress, update the BATTERY 2030+ roadmap, strengthen coordination and collaboration with other EU initiatives, and contribute to the enhancement of European battery education programmes. The overarching goal of the BATTERY 2030+ initiative is to develop advanced batteries for diverse industries and bolster Europe’s leadership position in both current and emerging markets."
text"Battery 2030+"
text"A CSA for EU-funded battery research projects"