- AnnotationProperty
- Category (Class)
- Data property
- Entity
- Item
- OSLae92be81cdb34d22844d4791ef790d93
- MagnesiumSaltCompound
- TitaniumOxideCompound
- AreaPerTemperatureUnit
- SurfaceAC
- SquareCentiMetrePerGram
- CarbonAtom
- UraniumSymbol
- ImaginaryElectricImpedance
- Semiosis
- OpticalMicroscopy
- CommercialProduct
- MagnesiumHexafluorophosphate
- ExternalHeating
- PhotochemicalProcesses
- DrawForming
- CadmiumOxide
- GalliumOxideCompound
- ElectrodePassivation
- LeadIICarbonate
- IterativeCoupledModelsSimulation
- KiloMolePerCubicMetre
- SodiumManganeseOxide
- DischargingCapacity
- TransitionMetalSaltCompound
- SiliconOxide
- Hard case: Laser protocol (sealing)
- OsmiumAtom
- Applied pressure (press rolling)
- DifferentialStaircasePulseVoltammetry
- ConductanceForAlternatingCurrent
- MagneticReluctivityUnit
- AmperePerGram
- DoseEquivalentRate
- MilliCoulomb
- MilliMolePerSquareMetre
- Factory
- SodiumBistrifluoromethanesulfonylimide
- Baratron Pressure Transducer
- AluminiumChlorate
- Overdischarge behavior
- Host
- SquareMetrePerSquareHertz
- NCNameData
- Holistic
- R416
- R754
- Weld quality
- PerTemperatureUnit
- BoostCharging
- PhysicalQuantity
- Coupled
- CubicMetrePerCubicMetre
- D95ParticleSize
- MicroCoulombPerCubicMetre
- TimeUnit
- ElectrochemicalPerformanceQuantity
- LeadIIAcetate
- GyromagneticRatio
- Dosing speed (profile over time)
- Velocity
- FormicAcid
- LengthA3
- LeadSaltCompound
- ReactionRateConstant
- MicrowaveSintering
- Sintering
- BraggAngle
- MolePerSquareMetrePerSecondPerMetrePerSteradian
- Open circuit potential (OCP) measurement
- ResonanceEnergy
- SexticMetre
- AcrylicAcid
- OhmicOverpotential
- Hard case: Laser power (sealing)
- Four-Point Probe Method
- Centi
- FundamentalLatticeVector
- SimulationLanguage
- AdditiveManufacturing
- ThermalRunawayTest
- DecayConstant
- LuminousEfficacyUnit
- Speed of the rolls
- GammaButyrolactone
- CobaltIIFluoride
- AluminiumCarbonate
- Neutralisation
- Laplacian
- DischargedEmptyBattery
- LithiumIonIronPhosphateBattery
- CopperIINitrate
- AmountFraction
- Elastic Modulus Measurement
- ElectricInductance
- Weight
- MercuryBattery
- ThermalRunaway
- Gas
- NPRatio
- SolidElectrolyte
- SquareMetrePerMole
- Interpreter
- AmountSquareTimePerMassVolumeUnit
- Interpretant
- Country
- Residual moisture (dried film)
- Slitting/Singulating (Coin/Swagelok)
- GlassyCarbonElectrode
- NewtonPerRadian
- Symbolic
- PicoMolePerKilogram
- Chemical compound
- Potentiometry
- SurfaceB2C4
- LithiumManganeseDioxideBattery
- BariumBistrifluoromethanesulfonylimide
- Remote File
- SurfaceArea
- QuarticCoulombMetrePerCubicEnergy
- Particle image velocimetry (PIV)
- Density
- Quantity
- QualityFactor
- PotentiometricStrippingAnalysis
- Vector
- EquilibriumConstant
- R2325
- PicoPrefixedUnit
- NewtonSquareMetrePerAmpere
- XrayPowderDiffraction
- Welding
- MicroHenryPerMetre
- Discharging
- R726
- PerEnergyUnit
- GadoliniumAtom
- DisplacementCurrentDensity
- SamplePreparation
- LithiumSymbol
- CadmiumAtom
- Building function
- ElectrochemicalTesting
- AtomicNumber
- Chronocoulometry
- ResidualCurrent
- MagneticReluctanceUnit
- BohriumSymbol
- Strain Gauge
- DragCoefficient
- MaterialRelationComputation
- CuriumAtom
- CathodicOverpotential
- Density calendered electrode
- CobaltIINitrite
- KelvinMetre
- CentiNewtonMetre
- ConstantCurrentDischargingCapacity
- MeanEnergyImparted
- DerivedUnit
- LowerCRateLimit
- Height
- PlasticSintering
- Java
- Minimal
- MetrePerSquareSecond
- IndiumIIIBromide
- BrunauerEmmettTellerMethod
- CopperSaltCompound
- CalciumTriflate
- Filling
- Permeability
- BecquerelPerSquareMetre
- EnergyPerAmountUnit
- LithiumNickelManganeseCobaltOxideLithiumCobaltOxideElectrode
- LutetiumAtom
- InitialChargeCarrierConcentrationInElectrolyte
- Copper
- Amperometry
- Coating
- ManganeseIIChlorate
- DataQuality
- Power
- TriangularCurrentWaveform
- Methanol
- LengthPerAmountUnit
- Anemometer
- CalciumHydroxide
- IndiumIIITetrafluoroborate
- VoltageChangeLimit
- TinSymbol
- InteractingSystem
- Keyword
- ElectricPotentialSignal
- PicoAmpere
- ElectrochemicalDegradationPhenomenon
- PositiveElectrodeActiveMaterialVolumetricSurfaceArea
- CubicCentiMetrePerCubicMetre
- FaradPerMetre
- NewtonSecondPerRadian
- Additive
- Ultrasonic flow meters
- R521
- JoulePerTesla
- CarbonBlack
- SquareCentiMetrePerSecond
- SodiumBisoxalatophosphate
- Scratch test
- ElectronBackscatterDiffraction
- Probability
- AtomicScatteringFactor
- IndiumIIITriflate
- MoleFraction
- ZeroManifold
- RollingResistance
- MilliHenryPerKiloOhm
- MicroMetrePerKelvin
- MolePerCubicMetrePerSecond
- ElectrochemicalDevice
- Duration
- AmorphousMaterial
- PotassiumBasedElectrode
- ResonanceEscapeProbability
- Dispersion
- Thermocouple/Thermistor (contacting)
- SurfaceCoefficientOfHeatTransfer
- Roll/Stack (in casing)
- Inequality
- SquareMetrePerGram
- SurfaceC3B2
- ArsenicSymbol
- Crystal
- ZincSymbol
- SodiumCobaltPhosphate
- StepSignalVoltage
- R736
- NickelZincBattery
- Solvent loading drying air
- OneManifold
- SupplyChain
- ValveRegulatedLeadAcidBattery
- GasDissolution
- InternalConductance
- LR20
- MolarAttenuationCoefficient
- OppositeTerminalPouchWithoutSealingSeam
- ConstantCurrentConstantVoltageCharging
- WearTesting
- TemperaturePressurePerTimeUnit
- Index
- Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
- PerMetreNanoMetreSteradian
- AnalogData
- NickelBasedElectrode
- CurrentLinkage
- Conductive additive distribution
- GoldAtom
- ConstantPotentialSignal
- TemperatureLengthPerTimeUnit
- PerSecond
- MolybdenumAtom
- ZettaCoulomb
- Temperature (press rolling)
- Pouch: Temperature (pre-sealing)
- ReversibleHydrogenElectrode
- IsothermalMicrocalorimetry
- DragForce
- Amperometry
- PalladiumOxideCompound
- MinimumStorageTemperature
- Compressibility
- LithiumHexafluorophosphate
- PhaseHeterogeneousMixture
- DateTimeData
- BismuthAtom
- Event
- DirectionAndEnergyDistributionOfCrossSection
- Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS or EDX)
- TemporalRole
- AluminiumHydroxide
- Dioxolane
- NegativeElectrodeActiveMaterialOpenCircuitVoltage
- SquareWavePotentialWaveform
- P21148128
- KelvinMetrePerWatt
- WattSecond
- Mixing tool (vendor)
- PhaseHomogeneousMixture
- Coercivity
- ELN Entry
- Flow rate /dosing volume
- P3DModel
- DeviceDensity
- MaximumStorageTemperature
- NeutronSpinEchoSpectroscopy
- TotalComposition
- DirectCoulometryAtControlledPotential
- D30ParticleSize
- RutheniumSymbol
- Permittivity
- VanadiumBasedElectrode
- TitaniumAtom
- Curve
- Electrode
- MilliGramPerSquareCentiMetre
- ParticlesSystem
- ScanningElectronMicroscopy
- TotalMassStoppingPower
- Electrode Sheet (Pouch/Roll)
- Pre-mixed powder
- Technetium
- Solvent
- ThermalConductivityUnit
- MassAmountOfSubstanceUnit
- MeasurementResult
- CausalPath
- GassingOfACell
- WetCell
- TotalEnergy
- MilliMolePerCubicMetre
- CathodicStrippingVoltammetry
- LengthO
- NanoBecquerel
- DifferentialCapacity
- Stopwatch or Timer
- SodiumMetatitanateElectrode
- IsentropicCompressibility
- ChargingCapacity
- X-ray Computed Tomography (CT)
- TransmissionElectronMicroscopy
- SquareMassPerSquareTimeUnit
- Determination
- RutheniumOxideElectrode
- DateTimeStampData
- AmplitudeOfAlternatingCurrent
- AreaPerTimeUnit
- DirectCoulometryAtControlledCurrent
- Vibration Sensors